Genre: Fantasy Suits the reading age: 13+ Rating: 7/10 If you like these books: Children of Blood and Bone, Children of Virtue and Vengeance, Twilight, Hunger Games In the first instalment of 'The Return of The Earth Mother' series, we are subjugated to the aristocratic regime of the Eze, the ruler of the Kingdom of Nri. We navigate the history of the kingdom and its lingering effects through the lenses of estranged twins Esinaala and Sinaikuku, who embark on a journey of self discovery. Throughout the book we engage in the lives of both girls from different settings, allowing two separate stories to become one. Being a work of fantasy, the book explores ancient African mythology complimented by the tribal languages of Nigeria, most commonly, Igbo. Although, there is no mention of Nigeria as a country, the Kingdom of Nri is a region within Nigeria prior to its colonial establishment. The author of the series, Reni K Amayo, is in fact of Nigerian descent and therefore has tried ...